Web-Site-Ring: Create one without scripting
In 2015 Neocities introduced Surf Mode, an attempt to create a modern alternative to Web-Site-Rings using tags. The idea sounds good, but it has problems.
- Users tag sites based on their interest; not based on site topic. The sites in question may have nothing to do with the tagged topics.
- Web-Site-Rings are a club-Like experience. A person may want to join a ring based on personal relations with the ring's owner or other members. A tagging system, where everyone interested in a topic is automatically grouped, cannot replicate this.
- A ring's owner can enforce a degree of quality controll, by refusing to admit or removing outdated, abandoned, or poorly made sites. An automatic tagging system elimates this.
If someone wanted to, he could set up a WebRing at WebRings.org, but they require intrusive ads, and they'll only allow one to list a few sites for free.
As such, we need a way to create a web-site-ring without relying on NeoCities Surf Mode, or an out-side, non-free service.
I think I've figured it out:
- Each Site in the ring has a number, assigned by the ring owner
- The ring owner creates two pages for each site: [siteNumber]_Previous.html and [siteNumber]_Next.html
- These pages are set up to redirect a visitor to the previous and next sites on the ring.
- If a site goes off-line, the ring's owner simply changes two files, the ones before and after the site.