2-27-19Bible Verse of the Day: 1 John 3:17-19
Old-Site of the Day: Building The Data Highway "Many of the technologies and players needed to construct the information infrastructure are already in place. But the precise definition of the data highway is in the eye of the beholder. Who builds it could dramatically affect how it works--and how it's used." A 1994 article about the internet.
2-26-19 "Updsating!?" Good grief; when will I learn to spell?
Bible Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:5-10
Old-Site of the Day: Search-Beat.com Another web directory from the late 90's. Has separate sections fore news & site listings. Doesn't have its own search engine; relies on Google for searching. Since at least 1998. Could also be a search service of the day.
2-25-19 Hello again, & sorry for not updsating last week. Some weeks are too busy. Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 22:37-29
Old-Site of the Day: FilmNotes A fairly nice article chronicaling the history of Cinerama, from 1995, on a university website. Originaly from a site called Film Notes, now offline.
2-16-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Acts 22:10-18
Old-Site of the Day: ChristiansUnite.com A web portal with a Christian focus. Contains a Google-based article serach engine, a directory of Christian web sites, a news service which needs to be updated, hosts blogs, etc. Started in 1999 as a directory. Here's an article on baptism. I agree with most of the author's points, tho saying baptism is merely a confession of faith would contradict what Ananias said to Paul. It is better to say that belief leads to salvation, & that remission of sins happens at the act. After all faith is not mere belief; it's belief which leads to action.
2-14-19 Bible Verse of the Day: John 13:34-35
2-13-19 Hmmmm... Seems I've gotten my dates mixed up & have been running a day ahead. No matter. Today's the 13th; the last post should read 2-12, then 2-11, & so on till whenever I made the mistake. Sorry about that.
Bible Verse of the Day: John 3:17
Old-Site of the Day: MetNews.com I said I'd feature this, so here it is! MetNews is a Los Angeles newspaper, & they have the oldest-looking site of any opperating newspaper I've seen. But you know what? It's simple, fast loading, & it works. Focuses on legal news.
2-13-19 Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Corinthians 13:8-12
Old-Site of the Day: Reminiscing Hidded on a news company's server, I founds this site about earlt TV shows, Los Angelas, & food. some of the articles date to 2003, & I doubt anyone would even try such an odd framing set up after that. Looks like the newest articles are from 2010 & the oldest ones are from 2002. The news site itself is rather old, but I'll leave it for another day.
2-12-19 Old-Site of the Day: Movie Locations Plus "This website has been online since March 1997. The entire contents of this guidebook are Copyright 1975-2013 by Jerry L. Schneider except for a select number of photographs and/or images which are copyrighted by their respective owners and are so designated. Video still clips from the films are either public domain or are protected by copyright and are being used under the 'Fair Use Provision' of the Copyright Law as well as for historical and educational purposes." Historical information on where movies & TV shows were filmed, from someone who's parents were involved with the industry.
Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
2-9-19 Bible Verse of the day: Matthew 6:24
2-8-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 5:43-45
Old-Site of the Day: Bearded Dragon Page A rather well-designed reptile site focused on Bearded Dragons & Leopard Geckos. Since at least 2003.
Female German Shepherd getting fixed. *Snip Snip Snip* "There goes your grankids!" :(
2-7-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 97:10
2-6-19 Sorry for not updating at all yesterday; I was very busy.
Bible Verse of the Day: Proverbs 21:21
Goodbye, UltraVioletThe movie streaming service is shutting down in July. Never tried it; thought it was a download service. A download sounds more useful.
Old-Site of the Day: Venom Not about the Spiderman character; about Ekans & Arbok from Pokemon. Has a pic of a cobra edited to look like a real Arbok. Fairly standard fansite stuff: an episode guide noting which episodes are "snakey", scans of the manga, fanfics, etc.
2-4-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Kings 22:16-20
2-2-19 Oops... wrote the wrong year on my last post. Fixed it now. Well, it's Febuary, so happy Febuary. And My site has had over 64,000 unique views. Thank you for that.
Bible Verse of the Day: Leviticus 13:40
Old-Site of the Day: VirtualDub.org Homepage for a free editing program. Online since at least 2001.
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