5-14-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:1-5
Nvidia Automatic Graphics Program Cool, but a bit scary...
5-13-19 Hello Neocities, & welcome to a new week!
Old-Site of the Day: Memorable TV Shows, in 2003 Linked to an article on The Edge of Night, a soap opera with a mystery/crime focus. I found this when researching the show after Google said it was similar to Dark Shadows. From a Wikipedia link.
Proverbs 31:30
5-11-19 Old-Site of the Day: Expression 3D Toolkit "Expression is a free Object Oriented 3D toolkit. It is written in C++/STL. It has support for interactive 3D graphics using OpenGL and non-interactive sphere tracing. Expression comes with a set of tools a sphere tracer and an interactive 'World editor'. The tool kit started as a collection of program I wrote just for the full[sic] of it. During the mounths of development I factored more and more code out and created a few libraries. The tool kit is not completed yet, it will probably always remain 'under construction'. However the low level libraries (Base, Geo) are quite fundamental and will not change a lot." Looks like it hasn't been updated since 2003, but it's still online if you want to play around with it.
Bible Verse of the Day: Ephesians 4:32
5-10-19 Dective Pikachu comes out Today!
Old-Site of the Day: Brown Game Technology Research A neat list of prohjects related to graphics & video games. No longer active; the professor who ran the group left for another school. Up for archival purposes...and perhaps for backlinks.
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 18:15
5-9-19 Wow... Has it really been so long since I last updated? Sorry, so sorry. I can't explain why I've been so lax; life just has gotten in the way; I don't even have free time at home any more.
Bible verse of the Day: Matthew 5:28
Short thoughts on a meme...
Old-Site of the Day: Anim8tor.com Simple, free, animation software created by a Nivida engineer in his spare time. Online since 1999.
5-2-19 Old-Site of the Day: AtariGames.com, in 1997 In the mid-80's Atari was split into two companies. The home computer & video game division was sold to Jack Tramiel, who renamed his new company Atari Corp. The arcade division, renamed Atari Games, bounced around between different owners before it was finally bought by Midway. It remained open till around 2002 as Midway West. This is the official Atari Games site from some of the last days of arcade superiority.
Bible Verse of the Day: Romans 12:14-15
5-1-19 Well, welcome to May Denzians of the Web!
Bible Verse of the Day: Hebrews 11:6