7-31-18 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 51:14
Old-Site of the Day: 42Bastian Schick's WWW-home Another old website about Atari's last consoles, the Lynx & the Jaguar. Since at least 2004. Contains programming resources, demos, & games the author wrote. (At least I think he wrote 'em.)
7-30-18 Old-Site of the Day: AdClassix.com An archine of vintage car ads. Since 2003. at the time they offered prints for decoration. Wonder if they still do...
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 5:14-16
Artificial Intelligence Composes Music O_o >_< Oh, I know it's cool. I know I'd like an instant music maker if I was working on a movie or game. Still... Think of the implications. What will this do for society? If computers can do everything, even create art, what will become of us? 395;102
7-29-18 270;103
7-28-18 Bible Verse of the Day: Philippians 3:10-14
Old-Site of the Day: ToonTracker Here's one I've wanted to include for awhile; I just have had a bunck of trouble finding a working archive. Toontracker was a website on animation history, with a lot of streaming videos and sound files. A favorite in highschool, this went off line a few years ago. Thanks to the Internet Archive for saving it. 395;112
7-27-18 217;49
7-26-18 Bible Verse of the Day: Luke 22:24-26 288;116
7-25-18 478;131
7-24-18 Old-Site of the Day: Animation Art Gallery Sells old cells, & other bits of cartoon history. Online since at least1998. Look! The Wayback Machine was their 2nd visitor! :-) (Actually, I think the counter might've rolled over; it says they've been using it since 1996.)
Genesis 2:7 571;98
7-23-18 Old-Site of the Day: Scriptologist.com A writer's resource for filmmakers. Includes a filmaking directory and a collection of screenplays. Since 2003, according to the copyright.
Matthew 19:14 488;79
7-22-18 180;52
7-21-18 269;82
7-20-18 Bible Verse of the Day: 1 John 1:7 564;178
7-19-18 Old-Site of the Day: RoyalArk.net "The web's most comprehensive site on the genealogies of the Royal and ruling houses of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas." Since 2000.
Bible Verse of the Day: Isaiah 41:9-11 283;89
7-18-18 Old-Site of the Day: ALPE The Atari Lynx Programming Extravaganza was a contest held by Songbird Productions in 2000. The website's still up, so you can see what games were entered. There was a proposal for a second contest in 2002, but I don't think they held it. The site's menu directs you back to Songbird's main page.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 119:7-8 529;148
7-17-18 Old-Site of the Day: Spagetti Productions Another QBasic Site. This hasn't been updated in 20 years. i like the simple formating; very practical. Looks like the webmaster set it up, then only updated it a few times. :( Has some interesting info on the QBasic Community in early Y2K.
Bible Verse of The Day: Mark 4:3-20 558;146
7-16-18 Old-Site of the Day: Pete's QBasic Site This 20 year old website was started by a 12 year old who kept updating it for a decade. Still a great resource on Microsoft's old programming language. Has a nice section on the site's history.
Bible Verse of the Day: Colossians 2:9-10 662;154
7-15-18 239;62
7-14-18 Old-Site of the Day: The Lynx Domain Oddle this sitye doesn't have its own domain name; it's a subdirectory Songbird Productions' website. About the Atari Lynx, a powerful (by early 90's standards) handheld game system which was beat by the less exspensive & more battery conscious Game Boy. Last updated in 2001.
Bible Verse of the Day: John 15:10 350;99
7-13-18 319;58
7-12-18 Old-Site of the Day: Vancouver Island B&B This bed and breakfast site did some SEO work on yesterday's Old-Site. And why not? This B&B won an award for web design! ...In 2002.
Bible Verse of the Day: Luke 10:30-37 367;141
7-11-18 Old-Site of the Day: RockportMastiffs.com Another dog breeder, this time of English Mastiffs. Also does rescue work. Online since at least 2002. Current layout in 2004.
Bible Verse of the Day: Jeremiah 32:17-19 339;61
7-10-18 223;42
7-9-18 Bible Verse of the Day: Ephesians 3:20-21 306;101
7-8-18 420;80
7-7-18 Old-Site of the Day: the unofficial CP/M web site CP/M was an early home computer operating system made by Digital Research. A bit like DOS, it was eventually out-competed by Microsoft's OS. This is an archive of CP/M related programs & code; last updated in 1999.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 18:30 588;153
7-6-18 Old-Site of the Day: NIC A list of Usenet groups, organized by topic. I've been interested in Usenet for awhile, but Google Groups is nearly impossible to search, so a list is helpful. Since 1995, according to the copyright.
Bible Verse of the Day: Isaiah 5:15-16 384;83
7-5-18 200;65
7-4-18 190;39
7-3-18 130;33
7-2-18 Old-Site of the Day: A My Favorite Martian Fanpage, hosted on Tripod. "An extensive overview of the classic CBS-TV sci-fi comedy that ran from September 29, 1963 to September 4, 1966." With articles dating to '03.
Bible Verse of the Day: Jeremiah 17:9-10
7-1-18 288;67
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