7-29-19 Over 80,000 unique views! Thank you all!
7-27-19 Old-Site of the Day: The Burl Ives International Website A tribute site for the folk singet & actor. You may know him as the snowman from Rudolph. Been listening to him a lot lately, so I looked him up on Gigablast. This was the 2nd or 3rd result. Online since 1996.
7-25-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Luke 19:39-40
7-22-19 Bible Verse of the Day Matthew 16:15-16 (Oops! I accidentially put this on last year's page at first!)
7-17-19 Over 79k views! Thank You!
Bible Verse of the Day Romans 1:16
7-16-19 50 Years Ago Today Apollo 11 Launched And we bear the Russians to the Moon. Hooray for the U.S.A! Hooray for NASA, Wanrer Von Braun, Armstrong, Collins, & Aldrin! Hooray for Mankind! And now it's time for more Giant Leaps, more progress, more future. But we must not leave poeople behind when pushing foward. Developments which help people live longer, better lives are good things; developments which take jobs leave a hole in society & create division. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." We must be careful not to tear down the old world when building the new.
7-15-19 Old-Site of the Day: TheRail.com The Rail was a web-ring-directory service which used a crawler to keep the rings up-to-date. The webmaster stopped running it because web standards had changed too much. Luckily, it looks like everything's still online, so if you can find the right page you can still browse what's left. Since 1996.
7-12-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 4:4
7-11-19 Old-Site of the Day: DragonMay.com The personal page of...DragonMay. Contains poems, stories, & an archive of email scams. Since 1996; had this URL since 2001. I need to look this over more; I've not got a good chance to look around yet. I do like the old-style layout & the dragon graphics.
7-10-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Philippians 1:6
7-9-19 Old-Site of the Day: Dude Dog While going through my book case last night looking for a poster, I found a newspaper comic page I'd saved from 2000. It had another feature called "Family PC Fun" which reccomended kid-friendly websites. This was one that they listed. Still online, tho the layout may have changed. (Actually, they said it was part of DogSled.com. In reality DogSled.com only linked to the comic. DogSled.com's gone; I found it in the Wayback Machine trhen did a search for the comic's arthur.)
7-8-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 138:2
7-5-19 Over 78K unique views! Thank You!
Happy 4th of July!
7-3-19 Old-Site of the Day: The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches 192 things video game RPGs do too often. A fairly fameous site; it used to be up farilr high in Yahoo's hierchy, & TVTropes has a few articles based on its concepts.
7-2-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Jeremiah 17:9-10
7-1-19 Almost didn't realize it was a new month! Here's the Old-Site of the Day: HammerHouseOfHorrorTVSeries.co.uk Long title for an old website. A fan page for the short-lived anthology series produced by Hammer Films, online since 2001, according to the site hsitory page. Comet TV was running episodes last week, so I decided to look it up.