8-30-19 "It’s Creepy, But Not Illegal, For This Website To Provide All Your Public Info To Anyone" Actually, I don't even find it creepy; I can't get all worked up over privacy because I already know a ton of "private" info is technically public. Just look up your county's website; there should be a forum where you can search for tax records, get names, addresses, etc. (Note: this is from a U.S.-centric perspective.)
Old-Site of the Day: The Real Yours, Mine, & Ours Family Online since at least 2005, this page chronicals the story of the Beardsleys, who inspired the movies Yours, Mine, & Ours.
Bible Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 10:20
8-24-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Galatians 3:27-19
8-23-19 Old-Site of the Day: Contemplator.com Lookingh up lyrics to Casey Jones the other day led me to this page. It's part of a large archive of folk music, with lyrics & tunes in MIDI format. Since at least 1998. Possibly earlier, going by the "contemplations" page.
8-22-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Romans 8:35
8-19-19 Richard Williams, animation director for Who Framed Roger Rabbit passed away this weekend.
8-18-19 Bible Verse of the Day: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+1%3A20-24&version=NRSV
8-17-19 Bible Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 10:17-18
Old-Site of the Day: Tigerden.com A web portal for furries. Since 1995. Not sexual, from what I can tell. Hosts other sites, like PeterCat's Furry InfoPage.
8-16-19 Old-Site of the Day: CoasterGallery.com Sort of a smaller, simpler version of RCDB. With pictures of rides & parks. Since 1999, going by the copyright. 8-15-19 Over 82k unique views! Thank you!
8-14-19 The Baily Autosled Here's a page about the Bailey Autosled, a small roller coaster made by a Canadian company. Forgive me if it loads slowly; I added a lot of embeded videos.
8-10-19 Cambria Productions Wikipedia's thinking about deleting their article on the folks who made Clutch Cargo, so I added a copy to my site yesterday. Finally got a chance to link it up today.
8-8-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 149:4
8-7-19 Old-Site of the Day: DogsPlayingPoker.org You know those infamous paintings of dogs playing card games? Well, most of them were done by one man, Cassius Coolidge, & this is a fan site for him. Also includes other pieces of art with similar themes done by other artists. I actually like two of his paintings: And: Both are slightly less anthromorphized; take the cigar out of the 1st dog's mouth & he just looks like a dog relaxing in his master's chair.
8-6-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 119:160 8-5-19 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 119:130
8-2-19 The Classic Pokemon Page I've wanted to do this for awhile, so here it it! A small collection of nostalgic articles, meant to look & feel like a fan site from the late 90's, the sort of thing I found interesting in highschool. Hope you enjoy it.
Bible Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 6:5-7:1
Just realized a little while age this site's had over 81,000 unique views! Thank You!