Updates May 2017

5-31-17 Last day of the month... Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:19-21
Search service of the Day: Geona.org A decent, but sometimes slow search engine. They have their own crawler, named GeonaBot. I should use this one more often. They used to offer a co-branding program & a site serach engine; I don't know if those are still avaliable.
Old-Site of the Day: CoolSiteOfTheDay.com Lists a cool website every day, with archives going back to 1994! This was an influence on my site. You can submit a site, but I think you have to pay. :(

5-30-17 Bible Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:18-19
Old-Site of the Day:TheMiningCo.com The Mining Co was a predicessor to About.com. While About closed earlier this month, TheMiningCo's home page is still up. Not all that useful, all the categories redirected to About's directory, which has been gone for years.
Search Service of the Day: CommonSearch.org An attempt to make an open search engine. Not the 1st attempt; there used to be one called moDex, but it's gone now. Here's a mirror of mozDex's site. You can't search with it, but it'll give you an idea of what it looked like. Currently CommonSerach only looks at the homepage of a website, like WhatUSeek in 1995. Not bad for general queries. 28;26

5-29-17 20;20

5-28-17 43;28

5-27-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:24
Search Service of the Day: SonicRun.com This search engine's name reminds me of a certain hedgehog... Does an okay job. Also has a meta-search engine which lists results from SonicRun and ExactSeek; used to list other engines too. They have a button: Sonic Run: Internet Search Engine
You can try their engine here:

Sonic Run: Internet Search Engine

Old-Site of the Day: Robot-B9.com This was the home page for Bob May, who played the Robot in Lost in Space. Went offline earlier this year.

5-26-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Revelation 21:1-8
Old-Site of the Day: The Green Hill Zone A decent Sonic/Sonic Team fansite. Online since 1997, last updated in 2012. Their news section has been updated more recently, April of last year. That doesn't mean it's abandoned; they only had 2 news updates in 2016. Looks like their forum still has a bit of activity, tho only rarely.
Search Service of the day: Anoox.com A nice-looking serach engine which lets users vote on results. The results aren't the greatest; they only have a small index of META tags. They do have a large question and answer board. More about them.

5-25-17 Should I keep updating this site? Views have been dropping for the past month. I make no money from this, but it seems kind of pointless to keep publishing if no one's reading...
Bible Verse of the Day: James 1:1-8
Old-Site of the Day: Chew's Pokemon Splat A fairly well-developed Pokemon Fansite from the early 00's. Has a few pre-release pictures from Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby.
Search Service of the Day: Qwant.com A decent search engine from France. Displays regular web results and trending topics. Needs more advanced options tho.

5-24-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Proverbs 16:17-19
Old-Site of the Day: Walter E. Williams website. Professors tend to have older sites. This one's from an economics professor at the George Mason University. I found it looking for an article on monopolies, to get an alternate view that monopolies aren't all bad. Here it is Is Monopoly Good or Bad?
Search Service of the Day: ExactSeek. So bad I added a Rel="nofollow" attribute. Still, you can occasionally find something interesting with even the worst search service, so give it a go. Just don't give them money.15;11

5-23-17 Search Service of the Day: SimilarPages.com
Old-Site of the Day: Past Glimpses of Tyler Texas I found this when trying to research an old discount chain. Started in 2001, last updated in 2010.
Bible Verse of the Day: 15:22-29
A paper (from 2001!) which proposes the search engine market could create a monopoly. 34; 29

5-22-17 Search Service of the Day: Exalead This is a search engine from France. It got some attention in the early 2000s, but never gained a significant number of users. The company was bought out; I can't even find a link to the engine on their main page. Results aren't spammy, but they still aren't quite to my liking. Still you should try a few searches; your tastes may be different than mine.
Old-Site of the Day: RoseScript A simple jscript search form which will send your query to multiple engines. Search results open in a new window/tab. Judging from the list of engines this hasn't been updated since 1999. You can copy and paste the code to create your own meta search engine; you'd just need to substitue newer engines. (Double check this; I'm no lawyer.)
Bible Verse of the Day: Mark 5:38-43
I just found out that Infoseek's old directory is no longer in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. A recent change to go.com's robots.txt file made them take it down. Go.com was a portal which replaced Infoseek. Infoseek's directory was one of the 1st Old-Sites I listed. While the home page is still there all the site's listings are not, and they were useful! The homepage? What's that? I'll still keep the link, but there's little point in showing the homepage. I'm not having a fun month on the Internet. Visits to WebSiteRing 39; Unique: 38

5-21-17 38;26

5-20-17 Search Service of the Day: ActiveSearchResults.com ASR started a few years ago. They're try to deliver results from actively maintained sites, but their definition of active is...odd. Sites which link to them, or which resubmit their pages weekly rank higher than other sites. Most other engines would consider those spamming techniques. They default to OR searching, and I can't find a way to run an AND search. Not all that useful.
Old-Site of the Day: W3Catalog A history of a very early search engine. Relied on lists of sites maintained by different people. Copied them, with permission, and parsed them into a single searchable document.
Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Chronicles 16:33-35
ScrubTheWeb will still let you sign up for a free account. Once signed in there's a message noting that the site's shutting down because running it's data center was no longer affordable. You cannot upgrade to a paid account; I doubt Scrubby's comming back under a new name. I'm betting they'll fulfil their contract with their paid customers, then call it quits when all the subscriptions run out. Very Sad. Just found their closure date: June 18. 59; 55

5-19-17 45; 38. Over 12k unique views. Thank You! Thank You All!

5-18-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 1:10-11
Search Service of the Day: Mojeek.com ScrubTheWeb's closure has inspired me to start another feature: the Search Engine of the Day. I'm not sure how long this will last; there aren't many engines with their own index. Today's engine is Mojeek. Mojeek is a smaller engine from the UK. In the past few years they've grown an index of 2 billion pages. They respect users' privacy and may allow you to re-rank results.
If you're worried, don't be; I have an Old-Site of the Day too. Old-Site of the Day: Best of the Web, in 1996 Recently on the Video Game Critic's forum I've heard praise for botw. Took me awhile to realize botw stood for Breath of the Wild, the latest Zelda game. I was thinking of Best of the Web. Botw.org claims to be the oldest web directory. That may be so, but early on they weren't much of one. I'd call their earliest versions top site lists; they only list the top 10 or so sites in a series of categories, based on user vote.
Moved last month's posts to the Archive yesterday; Removed them from the main page today.
Wikipedia may start a search engine Newsweek overstates things a bit; the wiki's engine will only search their resources, and maybe other free resources once it gets going. Track development of WikiMedia's new engine here.61;51

5-17-17 Old-Site of the Day: The Sci-Fi Domain A collection of pages about Sci-Fi series, from 2002. Last updated in 2013.
Google changes the way it handles ads. More context sensitive, less focus on exact phrase matching.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 8:1
I just found out that ScrubTheWeb is selling their domain name. I'm a little shook up; I liked Scrubby; a couple of years ago it was my main search engine. I don't know what will happen to the engine itself; it looks like it's not avaliable right now. Pitty. The engine worked fairly well. We need more indexes, not fewer! Archived Sale Announcement
I just checked a link to a search on ScrubTheWeb. I got a 404 error; the engine really is down, and there's no word on when/if it'll be back. I emailed the webmaster; hopefully he'll tell us what's up.

5-16-17 I found out yesterday that Curlie.org has a Facebook Page. Curlie is (hopefully) where DMOZ will continue. If you have a Facebook account, why not "like" them?
Old-Site of the Day: HPMuseum.org Old Video Vames and Old Computers have fans, but what about Old Calculators? They have fans too, and this site's for them.
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 4:12-17
29; 27

5-15-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Colossians 3:23-25
Old-Site of the Day: Infind.com Of the late 90's search services archived in the Wayback Machine, I may like Inference Find the best. It was just a meta search engine, but the result formating was nice. It returned page titles clustered by domain; .edu, .org, and .com results were displayed together; major sites were given their own categories. Sadly InFind closed in 2001, one of the many victims of the dotcom bubble. Example Searches: Atari Lizards Movies
27; 24 Huh. Few Visitors :(

5-14-17 26;16

5-13-17 18;17

5-12-17 18;16

5-11-17 Old-Site of the Day: Box of Delights-Slumberland Articles about comics, from the late 90's.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 81:15
Microsoft has released a Bing-powered Custom Serach Engine. Can search sites you choose, or sites related to topics you're interested in. Not the 1st engine to try this. Google lets users make a custom search engine; Yahoo and Gigablast used to do the same, if memory serves. The article syas Microsoft's version is ad free; I wonder how long that will last...

5-10-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Genesis 1:14-19
Old-Site of the Day: NerdsHeaven A subject-specific directory of subject-specific directories. (They're about software.) Cool logo, but a more than a few dead links. Still enough working links to be useful.
Computer Creates Feature-Length Film from a Single Photo Granted, 56 minutes is a short feature, but it's still a feature. Doesn't sound like an interesting movie; just a technical novelty.
260; 118

5-9-17 Old-Site of the Day: AnimeAdmirers.com I found this site in a Wikipedia link while trying to find info on a late 90's remake of Speed Racer. The article on Speed Racer's remake said it was still airing; I knew that was wrong. I went to the main page to see how old the site was. The copyright on the main page said the site started in 2001.
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 12:18-21
84; 51

5-8-17 Old-Site of the Day: About.com, in 1999. Well, I didn't expect this; About.com closed. It was replaced by DotDash, which links to other, subject-specific sites with the old About content. About has been called a content farm, and I suppose that description fit their business model, but their content was actually good, so I'm a bit sad they're gone. In the late 90's About had a fairly large directory, so you can use today's Old-Site to explore a bit, if you wish.
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew: 6:24
175; 72

5-7-17 32; 21

5-6-17 Old-Site of the Day: Commodore BBS Programs In the 80's, the Internet was still reserved for government and educational uses. Regular users could still network computers; there were online services like Compuserve and AOL, and there were bulletin board systems, operated by independent users. Here's a page about BBSes by a proud Commodore fan.
Bible Verse of the Day: Mark 13:9
Mozilla on Net Neutrality.
134; 61

5-5-17 31; 28

5-4-17 Old-Site of the Day: GNSFoods.com Found out one of Atari's service centers was in Arlington, TX. I looked up the address, and it's now a food company. Their website has a 1999 copyright date. If a small business has been around awhile they tend to have an old website; the site still does what it's supposed to, so why invest in a news one?
Bible Verse of the Day: Romans 12:10-12
140; 68

5-3-17 Old-Site of the Day: AtariProtos.com Reviews prototypes of Atari games when they're discovered. Also has pages on other obscure systems, like Data East's tape-based arcade machine. Still updated when new protos are discovered.
Bible Verse of the Day: Romans 5:3-4
78; 67 (By now you can guess what these are.)

5-2-17 Old-Site of the Day: Cartzilla Reviews of VIC-20 games, from 1997. Made so people who weren't rich could choose which games they'd like to collect. Notes that the games are "preserved" and available to "anyone with an Internet account."
Bible Verse of the Day: Proverbs 28:5
Visits to WebSiteRing Today: 99; Unique: 60

5-1-17 Old-Site of the Day: OldComputers.net Yet another old favorite. This one still gets front page placement on Yahoo/Bing for the keywords "old" and "computer." Lists over 100 Computers ranging fron the Altair to the NeXTCube. Here's a page with all of them pictured. Note that this is one of the few sites to get frames right.
BibleVerse of the Day: Proverbs 28:1
Visits to WebSiteRing Today: 138; Unique: 80<

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