11-30-17 Old-Site of the Day: Pelikonepeijoonit.net That name's a mouthful isn't it? The webmaster breaks it down for us:
"Peli = game
Kone = machine
Peijooni, -t = a rascal, -s (also a devil, -s)"
This is an older classic video game site I enjoyed in highschool. Has a large collection of game machines and a few articles. Here's a section they left in their old layout. The whole site looked like that when I 1st saw it. (Almost forgot; they're from Finland.)
Bible Verse of the Day: Exodus 15:3 574;84
11-29-17 Old-Site of the Day: PC-History.org "This site, which documents the history of pre-IBM PCs, is a tribute to the work of Stan Veit, a pioneer of personal computing. The core of the site, everything apart from the timeline pages below, was created by Stan between 1999 and 2002. It is now being preserved, for the enjoyment of future generations." By Sara's Web Preservation Group apparently.
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 5:22
Another article on Net Neutrality. Argues that major companies can already access the internet at faster speeds than start-ups by dealing with internet exchange points.
Just did a quick find (Cntrl+F): I've listed over 200 Old-Sites this year. 701;124
11-28-17 Old-Site of the Day: Commodore.ca A site about Commodore computers. I've linked to a 2003 interview with Michael Tomczyk, who has info on Commodore's presence in Japan and Commodore's demise.
I just remembered something: This site is one year old today. Happy Birthday WebSiteRing!
Bible Verse of the Day: Genesis 25:27-34 570;96
11-27-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Luke 22:43
Old-Site of the Day: Beginning Obedience Training A guide to training dogs, especially small dogs, emphasizing treats over force. Still sounds useful, even today. 212;79
11-26-17 329;73
11-25-17 Linux Creator on Security He says it's important but it must serve end users; disabling useful features shouldn't be done in the name of security. WARNING! Linus likes to cuss.
Old-Site of the Day: NES Warp Zone Looks like this was taken down a few months ago. Too bad; it was a nice old Nintendo site.
Bible Verse of the Day: Revelation 1:4-6 480;85
11-24-17 Old-Site of the Day: Kevtris.org Kevin Horton was (and still is) a homebrew game developer. The site's name comes from a Tetris clone he made for the ColecoVision. Has resources for the Atari 2600, 5200, ColecoVision, IntelliVision, Nintendo Entertainment System, and a guide for making soda pop.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 138 432;94
11-23-17 328;55
11-22-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 15:36 544;72
11-21-17 Fixed some spelling mistakes from yesterday.
Old-Site of the Day: CyberRoach.com An old-school technology site. First update, from 2000, says "Yeah, much Y2K-hype about nothing." Last update from 2007. Has sections on TRON, A.N.A.L.O.G. , Pioneer's LaserActive, Atari, computer and video game books, the Mac Portable, the Xbox, etc.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 100 271;79
11-20-17 Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Old-Site of the Day: Tramiel.org A collection of home pages. Rather plain, not too significant...no, wait. Is this the same Traimel family who owned Commodore and Atari at one point? Yes. Scroll down and you might recognize Jack Tramiel. Here's a picture from a mid-80's article for comparison. 506;108
11-19-17 427;81
11-18-17 Bible Verse of the Day John 1:29-40
Old-Site of the Day: ThrillHunter.com Opryland was a themepark in Nashville, Tennessee. This is a tribute site. From the about page: "In 2003, I started looking around the net for information or sites about my favorite theme park Opryland. The more I looked around the more disheartened I became. There wasn't really anything about the park on the web. It was like it had never existed. Opryland is where I had so many fond memories, my summers were spent there (thanks to my season pass) from around 1984 until the park closed in 1997. I couldn't let a very happy part of my past go quietly into the void of nothingness. So Thrillhunter was born." Here's what ThrillHunter looked like in 2003. 543;128
11-17-17 Old-Site of the Day: The Mercenary Site About an early series of 3D games. Has a broken counter from 1997; Updated within the last two years.
Bible Verse of the Day: Proverbs 17:17
Crossed 22k unique views yesterday/early this morning. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 769;197
11-16-17 Old-Site of the Day: ArcadianVR.com Virtuality was a big name in the mid-90's. They produced Virtuality games for arcades. This site is an online brochure for their products. Has videos, but I can't get them to work. Formats too old. Here's the eariiest archived version of their site I can find, from 2003.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 5:4-6
New Super Mario Movie in the Works 657;134
11-15-17 Clarification: A few months ago DMOZ's editors set up was a static landing page with links to their fourms and DMOZTools, a mirror. There was no search engine, no way to volunteer, no way to suggest sites, suggest changes, or edit. Yesterday they launched the full version of the directory; you should be able to do all those things now. They've been testing the software over the past few months and just made it public yesterday.
Bible Verse of the Day: Numbers 30
Old-Site of the Day: C64.com A nice-looking site about the world's most popular computer. Since at least 2000. 324;52
11-14-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Ephesians 4:32
Missouri Attorney General Subpoenas Google "Specifically, the investigation will seek to determine if Google has violated the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act�Missouri�s principal consumer-protection statute�and Missouri�s antitrust laws."
Old-Site of the Day: Classic Gaming Nexus A collection of links and articles about classic video games, from the mid-90's when the NES was too new to be considered classic. The actual site was shut down by it's webmaster to save space, but he provided a link to the Wayback Machine's archive of everything.
You might want to check out Curlie.org They finally re-launched today! (DMOZ, a service listing websites in categories, closed earlier this year. Read my thoughts on DMOZ's closure here. Its editors have been trying to bring it back. This is it.) 647;138
11-13-17 Old-Site of the Day: ~*~The Richard Dawson Experience~*~ A fan site devoted to Richard Dawson, who hostted Family Feud and played a character on Hogan's Heros. (An English pick-pocket, I do believe. If I could only remember the character's name...Oh look! Here's the answer!) Also has tribute pages to other Hogan's Hero's actors. The author kept updating this long enough for it to have links to her old Tumblr and Facebook pages.
Bible Verse of the Day: Proverbs 6:30-31 461;60
11-12-17 214;59
11-11-17 Old-Site of the Day: IcyBrian.com An RPG fan site started in '97. The author declared it an archive in 2010, but kept the forum running for those who still used it. Here's a 20th anniversiary forum thread.
Bible Verse of the Day: Colossians 1:9-14 698;129
11-10-17 Old-Site of the Day: AAA!!! Backgrounds I'm sure they mean tripple-a, but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! is much more fun to say. A collection of old-school background images collected in the early 00's, when they weren't old-school yet. Free, but no warranty, so don't use them for commercial projects.
Bible Verse of the Day: Job 37:10 436;95
11-9-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Romans 1:13-32
Old-Site of the Day: TheJagZone I've been thinking about Atari of late, especially their last console, the Jaguar. Has reviews, interviews with developers, and a list of unreleased games. Just don't get an account at AtariAge and ask if any of the lost games have been found without first searching for newer information, ok? Trust me. 276;63
11-8-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Ezra 1:5-8
Old-Site of the Day: Retrogamer Fanzine A Geocities site with back issues of a video game fan magazine. Archived. Won an "I.C.When Eye Site Award" in '98. I. C. When was actually the Old-Site of the Day on October 21. 482;86
11-7-17 Old-Site of the Day: ArtieTheAirplane.com A kids book series about anthropomorphized airplanes. Has samples of the books. Here's what it looked like in 1998. I thought of this series because Airliners are retiring their 747 Jumbo Jets. I remembered a story which seemed to echo what's happening today. Did a few searches to see if the books were online, and stumbled onto the official site.
Bible Verse of the Day: Genesis 1:20 529;76
11-6-17 Bible Verse of the Day: James 1:12
Old-Site of the Day: Scripts for Educators "Since 1996, Scripts for Educators has been providing free Perl CGI scripts to the online educational community, and others. From email forms to chat scripts to online quizzes, guestbook, and more, here, you'll find many programs, along with detailed instructions on how to set them up for your own website." 496;81
11-5-17 316;69
11-4-17 Old-Site of the Day: BlachFord.info A Geek's homepage. Probably started in 2002. Has a list of cool TV shows , movies, and books. Also has info on computers, including a page on the last (unreleased) Amiga to use a Motorola processor: the Walker. Not to be confused with a certain Texas Ranger. (That's fair use, right? Parody? Noting similarties?)
Bible Verse of the Day: John 10:10
NeoCities News: UpAllNight won the HalloweenJam for his series "What are the Tapes?" Congradulations! Also, with 9 votes Owlman won the popular choice award. Congradulations!
11-3-17 208;30
11-2-17 Bible Verse of the Day: James 5:15-16
Old-Site of the Day: Classic-Games.com I almost mistook this for a parked domain, but it's not. It's an old-site about old video games, started in 1995. Mostly links to info on other sites, like a directory. Looks like it was last updated in 2006 or 2012. The fourm and the site's internal search engine are offline. Here's the Wayback Machine's earliest archived version, from 1998.
Also, this seems kinda important:
From xkcd 545;105
11-1-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Acts 7
Old-Site of the Day: Infomaniacs.com Virtual Reality isn't a new idea; here's a contemporary article about a system made in 1995. 381;60